Friday, August 22, 2014



The true laughter of a devil. He has done what he wished to do, with a clean sweep. But loneliness grabs his soul as he gazes at the diary and moves towards it. He takes his seat and looks at the sun rising from the horizon through his rooms window. A dark red hot ball rising from cool deep blue sea. He feels a sense of connectivity to the sun. He has risen above all odds. His plan has been a sheer success. The view in front of his eyes starts to blur only to let him know that his eyes have become wet. By wiping of his tears he opens his diary.

18th August 2014
8:00 A.M.

Dear Diary,

She was disloyal to me in spite of all the efforts I made to keep her happy. My life had no ambitions, no direction. My parents death when I was just seven taught me only one thing: materialistic things never give you happiness, yet they are necessary, for one's survival. Because this world is full of materialistic things, the world actually runs on it. My life let me towards the Army, it was not my choice indeed. They paid me well, I served for the nation, it was a job of honor and pride too. What more does a man needs? She wanted all the luxuries of life, on hand, and i was giving her all of it. Where did i make a mistake? I don't know! I actually don't know.
"Hello! May i talk to Rashee?" Shravan called at Aakash' house.

"I am afraid sir, Madam is not at at home" replied the voice.
"Give it to me." A voice from the background spoke.

"Hello! This is Aakash Raane may I know whom am I talking to?" Aakash replied.

"Shravan here! Give the call to Rashee." Shravan grumbled.

"And by what right have you called here?"

"By the right of being her husband!"

"HUH! A husband who is not man enough to control his wife. Listen you creep don't even try to call here again. She is my woman now. It's my first and last warning to you, don't you dare to call here again."

Shravan hung up the call but didn't stop making efforts to get her back. Aakash too didn't sit like a stone. He reacted, and reacted bad. He used his power to beat down Shravan.

"You have been hit badly, sire. Who the hell did it?" The servant is panicked watching blood oozing out of his head and wounds on several parts of the body. 

"Nobody! You just go and bring me a glass of wine."

"Here it is sire. But this wine will not heal your wounds, neither physical nor mental."

"So what? What should I do? Kill that bastard?" Shravan shouted.

"Why not if that's justified?"

"Oh so now you are going to teach me?"

"Who am I to teach you my master? but I will tell you just one thing - when i was young and lived at the village my grandmother used to take me to various satsangs, I don't remember much of it but the only thing I remember is one of the quotes by Shri Krishna........." he became mum.

"Keep saying, i am here only."

"Know well that if someone slaps you, half the responsibility rests with you, because you're being weak and passive, what becomes an invitation for him to hurt you." the servant speaks and leaves the room closing the door behind him.

"Sire! Sire! Open the door sire." Servant bangs the door hard.  

"What's so urgent?" Shravan says seeing him in panic.

"Come, see what they are saying in the NEWS."
                                       ---                   ----                  ----                ---
The  mystery of the super star's death seems a nightmare to the police with only a half burned Tie and a watch found in the corridor seems not enough of the evidences for the police. The case will now be the handled by a team of CBI headed by Inspector Abhimanyu Singh. 

"My tie?" Shravan completely stunned and terrified walks into his room.


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