Friday, August 22, 2014


Cold soothing breeze is touching his face and his long hair is flowing with the pace of the wind. He always carries a pony, tightly and neatly bound, which compliments his perfect built and a six feet and an inch long height. But today he has let  his hair flow free. Soon he notices that he is going to light the last cigarette from his pack and even the bottle of whiskey he was carrying is going to end, after his three or more such gulps. He raises his head and sees a windmill swirling at its full pace now making heavy noise by cutting the wind. 

The cool breeze has now started to turn into heavy winds and the sun is going to set within no time according to his phone. Even being on a hill he is unable to see the sun due to heavy clouds which have just covered up the whole sky. With the first thunder of lighting he buttons up his waist coat, unties his tie, and pushes it in his pocket,throws the cigarette and crushes it and picks up his coat while heading towards his custom made matte black colored 4X4. He starts to drive down the hill with heavy rain dripping whole of his body.

He stops his car below a posh multistory building. Climbs up the stairs and heads up to flat no. 51 and rings the bell. Water dripping from his body has made the floor all wet. The door is opened by a woman in her mid 30's. Within a fraction of a second he takes out his pistol from his pocket but still hiding it behind his back. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" the lady speaks.

His hands starts shaking with fear the lovely and cute voice of the lady and forces him to put the gun back again. But the another flash of light, the thunder coming through the corridor window somehow reminds him of his plan, his determination.

He has always done what he wished to do without any second thought. All these things happened in just a fraction of a second.

"I want to talk to you" He says.

"But there is nothing left to talk about now" she replies.

"No one even his parents know that you both are living in. He's always busy shooting, not even able to give you what you wanted and then too you want to live with him!"

"Yes i do." She said with a straight face.

"I am asking for the last time are you coming back to my life or not." this time his eyes, red hot boiling eyes are speaking more than his words.
Every next strike of lightning is making him look like a devil in his open wet hair falling on  half of his face.

"NO!!!! I have already said this a thousand times, i am not.......

BANG!!!! A sound followed the whistle which deafens a person, usually after sound of a big blast. He has covered the sound of the pistol with the sound of thunder. The bullet passes her through and through. He puts the gun back and throws a large packet on her body and rushes towards the lift.His phone is continuously making a beep noise which he turns it off. While coming down the lift he takes out a plastic card from his dripping pocket and throws it in there. Gets on his 4X4 again and heads towards his home.

"OH! you are back sire, should i serve food." says the servant.

"No thanks! you may leave for your home and tell others too to do the same. I want to be alone." he replied.

"As you feel fit sir." the servant whispers and leaves.

"Good night."


"You are hell of a workaholic Shravan." Rashee speaks.

"But that's whats needed to be baby. I want you to have all the happiness in this world." Shravan says.

"We have been together from almost our childhood but you never were so?" she exclaims.

"Because you never demanded these luxuries earlier, a diamond watch, a corvette or anything else as such." shouted Shravan.

"Oh! So you mean to say that you don't have time for me just cos of me only." The famous female weapon called tears by the human race have now started falling upon him.

"What do you want from me?" Shravan stated straight.


"What? Where does this come from?"

"I am dating Aakash Raane. The real Gentleman. He will be having all the time for me. He is rich, famous and has a family too. he is not an orphan or uncultured person like you. he has been born and brought up by real parents." She shouted in one breath.

This was the last thing Shravan wanted to feed his ears, he just sat on the floor in the corner of the room, stunned. Rashee Hurries all around the room packing her bags.

"Did you see a Black colored card written The Fifty One on it." 
She asked him in a tone as if he has stolen the card. But she was not wrong. A day before he saw the card lying on the the side table and he just slipped it in his pocket without asking Rashee any kind of questions.

"No. And isn't Aakash Raane that infamous and Casanova kind of actor of the film industry?"

"Get your facts correct. Press cannot be always relied upon." she said.

"Rumors too are made up of reality." he smirked and walked out the room, just to see Rashee follow and leave the house.


Another loud thunder breaks his thought. His phones makes a beep. He takes out his phone and dials a number which disconnects automatically, removes the SIM card, breaks it and throws it out of the window only to fall inside a pond of water. He changes his clothes and lays down on his bed. There are his pictures hanging on the wall in front of him in which he is dressed in an army uniform. He is an EX-ARMY officer and now a top notch real estate businessman.


All the newspapers are full with news of Mr. AAKASH RAANE killed and found dead with an unidentified body of a woman. the bomb blast was so fierce that none of the bodies' faces can be determined.
The card was the entrance key to the The Fifty One which he purposely left for Aakash to open the door and let that high tech packet which he thrown on Rashee's body know of any movement around it just to alert him on his phone and for him to make a call and trigger the bomb.

Is the story raising questions in your head. Then wait for Shravan's dairy to come with all the answers. 


  1. Interesting plot. Looks like we've got a thriller coming up!!!

  2. Faad diya be .. I never expected this good writing.
    Awesome !!!

  3. Good start Anshul :) All the best and keep writing!

  4. Started to read today...
    U kept the interest,

  5. every para reveals a new story!! more to come........ :)
